Social Studies Federalism

Mnemonic Acronyms can be used to remember specific details of a lesson. Here some examples are provided for the Class X Social Studies Lesson Federalism.

Social Studies

Class X Federalism

In Social Studies which includes History, Civics and Geography, learners need to remember bits of information. At the time of examination they get confused because all the different information they commit to memory get into a chaotic pattern. The examination stress adds to the confusion. Hence some examples are given here to create Mnemonic bits that are easy to store and retrieve. This does not disregard the higher level understanding of the content learners are expected to acquire.

Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own JURISDICTION in specificmatters of legislation, taxation and administration.

A - administration

L - Legislation

T - Taxation

Jurisdiction Alt - Administration, Legislation, Taxation

The first route involves independent States coming together on their own to form a bigger unit, so that by pooling sovereignty and retaining identity they can increase their security. This type of coming together’ federations include the USA, Switzerland and Australia.


S - Switzerland

A - Australia

Coming together federation USA

USA - USA, Switzerland, Australia

The second route is where a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent States and the national government. India, Spain and Belgium are examples of this kind of 'holding together’ federations.

S - Spain

B - Belgium

I - India

SBI is easy for Indian students to remember as it stands for State Bank of India.

Holding together federation - SBI

SBI - Spain, Belgium, India

Union List includes subjects of national importance such as defence

of the country, foreign affairs, banking, communications and currency. They are included in this list because we need a uniform policy on these matters throughout the country. The UnionGovernment alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the Union List.

B - Banking

C - Communications

C - Currency

D - Defence

F - Foreign affairs

Union List BCCDF (according to alphabetical order)

Banking, Communications, Currency, Defence, Foreign affairs

State List contains subjects of State and local importance such as police, trade, commerce, agriculture and irrigation. The State Governments alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the State List.

C - Commerce

A - Agriculture

P - Police

I - Irrigation

T - Trade

State List CAP IT - Commerce, Agriculture, Police, Irrigation, Trade

Concurrent List includes subjects of common interest to both the Union Government as well as the State

Governments, such as education, forest, trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession. Both the Union as well as the State Governments can make laws on the subjects mentioned in this list.

Edu - Education

For - Forest

Tr - Trade unions

A - Adoption

M - Marriage

S - Succession

Concurrent List EduforTrams
Education, Forest, Trade unions, Adoption, Marriage, Succession

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