Image Formation

Whenever learners have to study details such as these, they feel they know it but at the time of examination they get confused as to where the image will be formed for which position of object. If they learn these details in comparison and get an overview they will remember it for a longer time. They will be able to draw the ray diagrams based on the table info they have learnt. The information would have registered in their brain with a deeper impression and hence they will be able to remember it for a longer time.

Whenever learners have to study details such as these, they feel they know it but at the time of examination they get confused as to where the image will be formed for which position of object. If they learn these details in comparison and get an overview they will remember it for a longer time. They will be able to draw the ray diagrams based on the table info they have learnt. The information would have registered in their brain with a deeper impression and hence they will be able to remember it for a longer time.

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