18 Elements & Atomic Values

Mnemonic help is suggested for remembering the first 18 elements along with their atomic values. If learners memorise a sentence and then try to link the first H with Hydrogen, the second H with Helium, Lithium with the L of light etc. they can easily remember the order.

Composition of Atoms of the First Eighteen Elements with Electron Distribution in Various Shells

If Class X learners need to learn the first 18 elements and their atomic values they can use Mnemonic tricks.

Composition of Atoms of the first 18 Elements

If we take the first letters we will get H for Hydrogen, H for Helium and so on. Taking all these letters we can try to create a sentence for ourselves.

Here is a sample sentence:

Have her light brown blue candles at night Over flashy neon streetlight, make all sleep peacefully, soon children awake

If learners memorise this sentence and then try to link the first H with Hydrogen, the second H with Helium, Lithium with the L of light etc. they can easily remember the order. The atomic numbers 1 to 18 can be easily remembered. Since the number of protons and electrons remain the same, they only have to learn a few calculations to learn the whole table.

Make your own sentences that are funny, unique, unusual or create a crazy picture in your mind. The crazier it is the better you will remmeber it for a longer period.

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